Sales Force Management
Auto_Square CRM helps in automating Sales Force while doing following tasks :
- Lead Capturing
- Lead Distribution & Prioritization
- Reminders and Tasks
- Reporting
- Track Sales force on maps
- Mobile App to capture Lead follow-up information
- Dashboard showing Ongoing and pending tasks, team performance and funnel
- Quotations
- Sales Orders
- Sales Invoicing
AMC/Warranty Management
To manage AMC/Warranty of products and services sold to customers and provide best after sales service , this modules helps customer and service provider engage themselves online. Ti manages following tasks :
- AMC/Warranty Info
- Customer Complaints capturing
- Pending Services info as per AMC/Warranty contract.
- Jobs Prioritization (Hot/Warm/Cold)
- Jobs Distribution among Service Engineers
- Reminders of Jobs to Service Engineers
- Mobile App for Service Engineers to register status of Job after execution.
- E-mail/SMS to Customer regarding allotment of Engineer, Status of their job
- Customer History