Production is the core of every manufacturing unit and is also very difficult to implement ERP in this area. After working with various plants for the last 25 years our team has designed and developed an easy to use production planning and control software.
Bill of Materials (BOM) : BOM as name suggests is the document which carries information of each Finished Item and its relation with Raw Materials and Semi Finished Items. Semi Finished Items further can have separate BOM. This is the back bone of every Production Module and without this document one cannot run this module effectively.
Job Work Purchase Order : Each and every job (process) whether done in house or through ancillary(Outside Job Worker) will be captured in Job Work Purchase Order with clearly defined price of each job to be done on each item.
Job Work Schedule :Based on Customer Schedule, Job Work Schedule will be raised every month or every week to properly plan and manage production so that Customer Order will be completed well in time. This Job Work Schedule will be generated either Weekly or Monthly according to the requirements. Job Work Order is mandatory for raising every Schedule.
Job Work Issue :Now as per Job Work Schedule Raw Materials and /or Semi finished will be dispatched to Job Worker (or In house shop floor). According to BOM, ERP will manage what semi finished/ Finished items to be received after completion of job (process). Job Worker account will be maintained after each dispatch.
Job Work Receipt :Now ERP knows which Raw material / Semi finished is issued to which job worker (or in house). Based on this information when material arrives after completion of job (process) ERP will accept receipt information of issued materials. Since in BOM it was clearly defined which output is made by which input, so it is very easy by the ERP to manage input / output relation and accept material based on proper input quantity to generate output quantity . There is no need for the user to remember what was the input of received materials and what was the input quantity. According to BOM ERP will deduct consumed input from Job Worker account and shows balance quantity pending with him.
This way each and every process is completed on each finished item and after completion of all process item will be ready for dispatch.